Deep Listening Training Essentials, Amsterdam. 4-5 November 2019

Deep Listening Training Essentials, Amsterdam. 4-5 November 2019

This experiential and interactive course is designed for those who would like to learn this powerful Deep Listening method and further develop confidence in their listening skills. Described as enjoyable and transformative by our participants, our method harnesses the power of being present while listening so we truly hear what is being communicated.

This course provides a full experience of Awareness Centred Deep Listening Training in two days. Deep Listening is about how we listen to another without wanting to rescue or to advise. This creates space for the other, allowing them to find their own clarity and insight. This process of self-discovery leads towards resolution and healing, which is often transformative. Deep Listening emphasises the listener being open to communication while staying in contact with himself or herself.


The three core skills of this method, embodied awareness, supportive presence and compassionate connection, are explored personally with participants throughout the course in an experiential and interactive way. We also use meditation and reflection to deepen our experiences of embodied compassionate communication. A key focus throughout is integration by using practical ways to bring this into your work and in everyday life.

The method of Awareness Centred Deep Listening Training (ACDLT®) combines understandings drawn from psychology and neuroscience with the methodology of contemplative practices in compassion and meditation.

For whom?

This course is suitable for those who already use listening as an essential part of their work and who wish to complement and enhance their listening expertise.

The course is led by Rosamund Oliver.

Location: This course takes place at the Centrum voor Mindfulness, Amsterdam.

Course fee: €325.00 includes lunch and VAT

Each day commences at 10.00 and concludes at 17.30. 

Booking: Please use REGISTER on the previous page.

This training takes place in the Centrum voor Mindfulness in Amsterdam and you can book for the course directly at REGISTER on the previous page. This will take you to another website.

For more information about this course please contact:

Event Properties

Event Date 04-Nov-2019 10:00 am
Event End Date 05-Nov-2019 5:30 pm
Location Centrum Voor Mindfulness

We are no longer accepting registration for this event